Sancocho de gallina – Chicken sancocho

Last year I was a bit blue. I’d just lost my job, Christmas was over and I wasn’t too optimistic about the new year ahead of me. I wanted to do something new, something special and Blue jellybeans was born.

After a year of blogging I don’t have any regrets, I’m happy with what I write, with the wonderful people I’ve met and even if I’m still unemployed, I’m quite busy in the kitchen to think about it 🙂

Today’s recipe is an ode to my country and my family, especially my mom whom inspired me to write this blog.

Sancocho de gallina


1 chicken (preferably free range)
1 large onion, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
5 leaves chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon salt
3 ears of corn
2 pounds yams or cassava or otoe (malanga)
1 teaspoon oregano
1 yellow lantern chili (ají chombo) chopped
Salt and pepper


Cut the chicken into pieces, place in a large pot with hot oil. Add onion, pepper and garlic, cover the pan and let them “sweat” over medium heat for 10 minutes or so. Add enough water to cover and bring to a boil, simmer for 40 minutes. After this time, add cilantro, salt, corn and yam (or cassava or otoe), cook until everything is soft and well cooked. There should be enough broth left, if not, add more water. Finally add the oregano and chili. Cook for 8 more minutes and serve.


33 Replies to “Sancocho de gallina – Chicken sancocho”

  1. Congratulations dear Giovanna, I loved your blue background… and as always your beautiful recipe. You are one of my beautiful blogger friends, I am so glad what made us to meet 🙂
    Good Luck and all my best wishes… Thank you, with my love, nia

  2. yay!!! Happy one year! Congrats 🙂 My sister is over in Spain right now and I thought of you, she said the bakeries are fantastic!

  3. First of all congratulationso on the 1st year anniversary – I´m so glad we “met” via this world of blogging 🙂 I feel and hope that this year will be better for everyone, so “cruzamos los dedos” and let´s hope things take a turn for the better work wise. Finally, I love this recipe. Had heard of Sancocho but didn´t know what it was. I can make a version of this with one of our chickens and my yellow chilis! ¡Enhorabuena guapa!

    1. Muchas gracias Tanya!
      Yo tambien me alegro mucho de que nos hayamos conocido 🙂
      Seguro que este año será mejor… cruzaremos los dedos.
      Esta sopa está muy rica, el toque especial lo da el cilantro, así que aunque no tengas la yuca, el otoe, etc… siempre tendrá ese toque panameño 😉

  4. Congratulations, Giovanna! Now this is how we all should celebrate our anniversaries, prepare a wonderful meal and share it’s recipe. Well done and looking forward to the next year with you.

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