A mushroom cream to warm things up

I’ve been missing from the blogosphere for the past week or so. Why? My son Fernando has been sick with bronchitis. So I couldn’t sit down and write anything or read anything. I’m sorry, because I’m sure I missed many great post, but my little tyrant demanded a lot of attention…

Anyway, I’m back and very excited because Christmas is just around the corner. I have so many plans for this season!

To pick up the pace again I have a great starter for these cold days. A mushroom cream, very simple, yet very very good.



  • 350 g of mushrooms
  • 1 onion julienned
  • 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 liter of water
  • 100 ml of milk
  • Salt
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Parsley


Clean the mushrooms and cut into thin slices.

In a pan with a bit of olive oil, fry the onions and garlic. When they take color, add the mushrooms, reserving a few slices for garnish. Season to taste and cover the pan. Let it cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.

After this time, gradually sprinkle in the flour and sauté with the mushrooms. Add water and milk and let everything simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add salt to taste and blend.

Serve hot, decorated with one or two slices of raw mushroom and a bit of parsley.

This cream is not too dense because there’s no too much flour and uses milk instead of cream. But its lightness doesn’t affect its flavor.


P.S. Here are a few things I’ve done this week.

Saturday was the birthday of my daughter Isabel (13th). She’s a huge fan of One Direction, so I made this cake to blow the candles.

One Direction Bday Cake for Isabel
One Direction Bday Cake for Isabel

I made these cookies to warm things up for Christmas.

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And this cake was my last project in a Wilton course that I finished today.

A cake for me!

And that’s all for today, have a nice day!

26 Replies to “A mushroom cream to warm things up”

  1. Awwww, I hope Fernando is feeling better soon.

    I’m in soup mode lately, and I’m always in mushroom mode, so this recipe will be made just as soon as I get to the grocery store. Thanks for this!

  2. My you have been busy! Hope Fernando is better now and how did you manage to make your soup look so good – whenever I photograph mushroom soup it looks all dad and grey!

      1. ¡Jajajaja! Muchas gracias por tu comentario, Tanya 🙂 Yo creo que me organizo muy mal porque siempre estoy terminando con algo para empezar lo siguiente… Fernando debe sentirse muy bien, porque no para quieto. Este fin de semana es largo porque hoy es el día de la constitución y el 8 es la Inmaculada, patrona de España. Así que hasta el lunes no hay colegio… 😦
        Aprovecharemos para poner los adornos de Navidad.
        En cuanto a tu “dad and grey mushroom soup” 😉 La verdad es que no hice nada especial para que el color fuese bonito, probablemente haya sido cosa de la fotografía…
        Un abrazo

  3. Sorry to hear of Fernando’s illness, Giovanna. I hope he’s feeling better now.
    I like that your soup uses less flour and milk instead of cream. This time of year, with all of the holiday foods, a soup that’s a bit lighter is a good thing.
    Happy birthday to Isabel! I’m sure your One Direction cake was very well-received. Way to go , Mom! 🙂

    1. Thank you John! He’s fine now 🙂
      Exactly! I’m watching every calorie and carbohydrate now, because later I know I wont stop eating until twelfth night 😉
      I gave Isabel your good wishes and she said thank you 🙂 The OD cake was a hit, yes. One have to know how to please the crowd 😉

    1. Hi Barbara! Well, the secret to my productivity is called Anne Marie, my mother in law was here everyday to help me with Fernando, so I could do the chores and I managed to squeeze some baking and cooking too 😉
      We were very pleased with the cookies and they disappeared immediately after the photos were taken. No, it wasn’t my birthday cake, I still have two more weeks before turning 39, oh God! 39 already…I wrote my name because there wasn’t enough place to write the name of the children 😉
      Thanks for your comment!

  4. I hope that your son is well over the bronchitis and birthday blessings for your daughter! Good luck in surviving the teen years Giovanna 🙂

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